Easy Cherry Kids Bonbon Chocolate Cake Pop

121,515 Views2014


  • Chocolate cake
  • 50 grams Dark melting chocolate
  • 50 grams Red melting chocolate
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon cream
  • 15-20 Whole cherries with stem


    Melt dark chocolate in warm water.
    Crumble chocolate cake and pour into mixing bowl.

    Add melted chocolate and cream.
    Mix together well.

    Dry off whole cherries.
    Make cake mixture into balls, flatten and wrap around cherry.

    Place on baking sheet lined with parchment paper Next melt red chocolate and place into bowl.

    Dip cherries wrapped in cake into red melted chocolate and place back on baking sheet.
    Refrigerate until hardened.

    Using extra dark chocolate paint face onto hardened cake pops.

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    1. W

      Oh my, was this delicious! I made this last night when I thought company was coming over. They ended up staying home and so I had this amazing all to myself.

    2. C

      This is a very easy recipe- it's simple but delicious

    3. a

      I'm totally hooked. I will make this often. It is amazing.

    4. s

      So months later I finally found time to make this five minute recipe.

    5. P

      Thanks for the beautiful recipes!

    6. R

      I absolutely love the simplicity of this recipe.

    7. T

      Wow, I'm the first to make this? Cool. This was really easy to make

    8. C

      I brought this to Thanksgiving dinner. It was delicious and smelled fantastic! Thanks!

    9. S

      Love everything about this recipe. It is easy and super tasty. Thank you

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